Our Community Partners



We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Scotiabank for generously serving as the matching donor for our 2024 year-end giving campaign. On Giving Tuesday 2024, we raised $4,000—a remarkable achievement made possible by Scotiabank's $2,000 matching contribution and the collective support of donors, volunteers, and community sponsors.
Thank you for helping us make an impact!



JustServe is a website where the volunteer needs of organizations may be posted and volunteers may search for places to serve in the community, providing opportunities to help those in need and enhance the quality of life in the community.

JustServe is a service to help link community volunteer needs with volunteers and does not discriminate based on race, religion, gender, ethnicity, or sexual orientation in posting projects or in encouraging volunteers to serve according to our guidelines.

BI VMS dot ca transparent

Better Impact

Running an engaging volunteer program requires the right tools to do it well. Better Impact has been serving volunteer services teams with intuitive, reliable, and secure volunteer management software, since 2000. Thousands of small, medium and enterprise sized organizations across Canada, USA, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand utilize and trust our solutions.


Christmas Hope

Christmas Hope is a collaboration of six agencies that work to ensure that less-fortunate members of our community get everything they need to feel hope and joy during the Christmas season.

The Christmas Hope partnership is comprised of the Interfaith Food Bank, Lethbridge Food Bank, Lethbridge Family Services Angel Tree, Volunteer Lethbridge, The Salvation Army, and MyCityCare Shop of Wonders. This partnership strives to make the most of resources and donations while reducing duplication of services.


Alberta Non-Profit Network

The Alberta Nonprofit Network (ABNN) is an independent network of nonprofit organizations from across Alberta, all working together to create a strong and resilient nonprofit sector. The network collectively works to create a common vision for the sector, and articulates the sector’s value to a range of stakeholders including governments and funders. 



CCVO promotes and strengthens the nonprofit sector by developing and sharing resources and knowledge, building connections, leading collaborative work, and giving voice to critical issues affecting the sector.


Lethbridge Local Immigration Partnership (LIP)

Lethbridge Local Immigration Partnership-(LIP) is a community development initiative. Our goal is to create a more welcoming and inclusive community. Lethbridge LIP seeks to collaborate with, strengthen and work together with local residents, community agencies, initiatives, organizations, businesses and government agencies.


Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce

The Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce as The Voice of Business is a Convener for leaders of influence, Champion for a strong community, and a Catalyst for business growth to enhance a healthy economic and social environment in our region.


Volunteer Alberta

Volunteer Canada is a registered charity, providing national leadership and expertise on volunteerism to increase the participation, quality and diversity of volunteer experiences.


Volunteer Toronto

Volunteer Toronto is Canada’s largest volunteer centre with 50 years of experience connecting volunteers to the organizations that need them. Our services empower local volunteers
to find opportunities that make a positive difference in their community. Through in-person and online training, we also educate and help non-profit organizations and community groups run successful volunteer programs.

If you are looking TO volunteer or looking FOR volunteers in Toronto, we are the place to start!


Imagine Canada

Our cause is social good in Canada. We work to bolster the charities, nonprofits and social entrepreneurs that build, enrich and define our nation and the communities they support around the globe.

Our Sponsors

Major Sponsors


Enhanced Capacity Advancement Program (E-CAP) Funding is provided by the Government of Alberta through the Alberta Lottery Fund in order to build the voluntary sector and enhance the quality of life for Albertans.

E-CAP funding has created the opportunity to further develop, advance and strengthen the work that has been accomplished through Volunteer Lethbridge to enhance volunteerism and grow volunteer capacity.


FCSS program provides financial support for the delivery of preventive social services. The City of Lethbridge participates in this joint municipal/provincial costsharing grant with the Province of Alberta, and must ensure that all expenditures made with these funds are eligible under the Family and Community Support Services Act and Regulations.

The City of Lethbridge FCSS focus is on investment in prevention, early intervention and community and development. Volunteerism promotes and enhances the wellbeing of individuals, families and communities in the City of Lethbridge. This funding enriches community development through volunteerism.

Media Sponsors

Program & Event Sponsors